Monday, September 29, 2008

I take back my comment about Desmond Harrington

A few days ago, I made a comment about Desmond Harrington needing a new agent because he was in that shitty movie 'Exit Speed'. I don't take back the fact the movie looks/is shit, I do however take back the thing about his agent.

This is why: He's on Dexter. Yes, that is enough to give him a pass for that shit-storm of a movie. Dexter is awesome!

Here is a promo for this season:

In case you are not familiar with this show (you should get familiar with it, the first two seasons are on DVD) it is about Dexter Morgan a forensic blood spatter expert in Miami, Florida. That's his day job. By night he kills serial killers...a serial killer who kills serial killers...dark, sadistic, awesome. Watch it. Here's a clip!

I loved the Doakes/Dexter exchanges so I put up two of them. Might be a little Spoilery!

Skip about midway for the best part and ignore the 3 weeks left thing at the end...some tard added that to the youtube video I yanked.

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