Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are

I know it's been flying around the interwebs all day, but here it is again, courtesy of Trailer Addict.
That being said, I don't remember ever reading this book when I was young. I just don't. I probably did, but I don't remember. Even so, I think this looks pretty awesome. Like a return to the days of yore when children's movies the likes of The Labyrinth and Dark Crystal, scared the shit out of kids and made them scared of the Oubliette (one of my favorite words) and whatever the hell the things from Dark Crystal were.

One of my favorite things about this trailer is that it would appear that Spike Jonze went with his instinct and no doubt fought the studio tooth-and-nail to make the monsters people in suits or animatronics, over CGI. I like that. It keeps the look and feel of what I know of the book and what a kid would see if he were really experiencing it while keeping away the bad CGI of say, The Day After Tomorrow and I Am Legend. I tried to find clips of those two movies, one of which is atrocious all the way through and the other only is marred by it's bad Motion Capture CGI (I Am Legend), but they all appear to be removed from YouTube at this time.

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